It's all about the song
There are entrances into things,..secret passages that wind there way into simple mysteries,.pathways that can lead a man or woman in to inexplicable earthly freedoms,..for a musician there is only one way in to the throne room of the great abstract reality called God,..
God being the all powerful force of everything that exists, animate and inanimate,.he is the only creative entity that endows his creations with gifts of HIS spirit,..before we incarnate from the spirit world to this realm of form and substance, "Planet Earth",.God plunks a little of his JU JU in each of us in order that we discover what that JU JU is in this short lifetime,.DISCOVER WHAT IT IS , IMPLEMENT IT, AND UNLEASH IT ON MANKIND FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THE PLANET BEFORE WE LEAVE,..
This is our sole purpose for being here,..this is the meaning of Life,..
For me, a songwriter,.I have only one purpose,.to use the gift that God gave me to work at my music with the same intensity that he used to create the heavens and the earth,..
If it takes me my whole life to write that one song that has power to change things ,..change something for the better,..anything,.then, my life was not lost,.not short changed,..not regrettable,. we were all given a gift by the creator,..the gift is what makes us magical beings because the gift holds the invisible key to the greatest power of all,..LOVE !!!
Chris Gantry